Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24th - Some Great Photographers

Yes I know... more news about the AC TTD shoot right? Sorta. But I swear this is the last time!!
Anyways, while at the shoot I had the chance to work with some really great photographers from around the country. It's always fun to see how other people work and learn from them. Even though I'm a videographer and not a photographer I still am inspired by their work.
Here are three of the photographers I got to work with who I think are really good at what they do. These aren't the only ones and I will probably post a few more in coming days so stay tuned.

Mark Gardner

Mark is located in Maryland (Close to Delaware, so Philly Brides he's the one for you!) and does some awesome work. He was leading one of the groups at the AC TTD shoot and can be seen in my video toward the beginning. His photos are stunning and I really hope I get a chance to work with him again.

Jason is probably one of the coolest photographers I've had a chance to work with. He's cool as hell and fun to be around. I spent some time with him at the AC TTD shoot and made a new friend. He's out of Kansas City but does several weddings in the Philly area each year.

Mark Eric

Mark Eric is founder and admin of TrashTheDress.com and is really responsible for brining this cool new trend into the limelight. Mark is a great guy and a classic Southern Gentleman. He was a pleasure to shoot with in AC and a great guy to be around. Mark is located in Alexandria, LA but also travels around the country.

Friday, July 13, 2007

July 13th - Trash The Dress

What can I say? The Trash The Dress event in Atlantic City was a blast! There were 11 brides trashing their dresses that day along with 50 plus photographers shooting stills. I got to work with some of the best in the industry including; John Michael Cooper, Mark Eric, The Wiebners, and Jason Domingues. Below the pictures, check out the video I put together for the event.

The Wiebners snapped some photos of me shooting during the event:

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

July 10th - Dress Trashing in Atlantic City

So the largest Trash The Dress event in history is going on later today.... and I'm the videographer for the event! I'm really excited! This will be my first official Dress Trashing so I'm unsure of what to expect. I know though that its going to be a lot of fun!

The event is being held at the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. I'm assuming we'll do some downtown shooting and then head over to the beach for some sunset shots.

There will be over 40 photographers attending with about 10 brides who will be trashing their dresses. Some big names like John Michael Cooper, who started the Dress Trashing trend, and Mark Eric, founder of trashthedress.com, will be there. A real star studded event tomorrow!

I will try to get an edited video up soon so you all can see how cool this thing really is.