Monday, May 7, 2007

May 7th - Bethlehem Steel Montage

Part of my recent project with the Dietrick Group was a montage of photographs taken at Bethlehem Steel to some opera by Pavarotti. The photos were powerful, and so was the music. I decided to make the montage as simple as possible so as not to distract the viewer from the beauty of the pictures themselves. I chose to do simple fade-in and fade-outs matching them to the music. It was shown, along with nearly a dozen other videos I had produced, at the Rave Theater in Center Valley, PA. My client from the Dietrick Group told me that several members of the audience who had worked at Bethlehem Steel before it was closed were crying by the end of the montage. This was a real ego boost! That kind of reaction, even from a video so simple, is what makes this job so great.
Below is the montage:

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